Working together to achieve success

Friday, 30 October 2015
BJ Bear visited and told us about the A and P show.
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Wear Black Tomorrow!
Free Mufti Day tomorrow (Friday 30th) to support our All Blacks.
Wear black.
Go the AB's!
Wear black.
Go the AB's!
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Powell Hut is Cancelled
Powell Hut is cancelled. The weather is not looking good again. We are planning to do something else. I think we are trying to find another Year 8 day/night camp date at Mount Holdsworth. Lesley Kennedy will be putting out a note to confirm this.
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
EOTC Year 7's - 3rd Activity
EOTC Year 7’s - 3rd Activity
We will be learning bush safety and how to build Shelters and Bivvys in the bush. This activity had been postponed from Term 2 due to bad weather.
When - Wednesday the 4th November - Week 4, Term 4
Where - Mt Holdsworth / Donnelly Flats
Our Provider – Glenn Beach [Kahikatea Outdoor Education Centre]
After a very successful 1st activity with Glenn at his property in Gladstone and Caving in Term 3, we are now going into the bush for our next activity - building bivvys and shelters. This activity will commence at 9.30ish and finishing about 2.00pm.
The students will need to bring suitable footwear and clothing for the bush, plenty of lunch and water plus a warm jacket / rain jacket and a Sunhat.
We will also need parent support and transport for the day.
Please read carefully, fill in the slip coming home this week and return it to school ASAP - thanks.
Monday, 26 October 2015
Report Files
Please send back your Term 2 2015 Report files. I am short 6. We are working on them this week. Thank you.
Wi Kids Mini Film Festival
Congratulations Room 12!
Best Director
Best Senior Movie
You guys are awesome!
So proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photos will be blogged soon.
Best Director
Best Senior Movie
You guys are awesome!
So proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photos will be blogged soon.
What is on this week? Week 3 Term 4
What’s on this week – Week 3 Term 4 2015
Tuesday –
Short drama games
Marking homework
Technology. Covered shoes essential and girls need to tie up their hair.
Te Reo or Kapa Haka
Athletics rotation
Wednesday ––
Jump Jam
Gardening Group - at 9:00 and also during lunch (for some students)
Short drama games
Gloss testing beginning
Basic facts testing
Thursday –
Year 8’s to Powell Hut
Year 7’s to some classes and to Ms Taylor
Wheel/Scooter day
Friday –
Year 7’s to Ms Taylor
Powell Hut students return
A and P show begins - We have three items in it. Photography, Perspective art and Newspaper art. Remember to have a look at it upstairs in the stadium.
Softball begins tonight - lime diamond, South End Park Masterton, at 6pm
Class Blog-
Check us out and I will be putting any info on the blog such as reminders etc, plus what we have been doing at school and in class.
Nga mihi
Melanie MacGregor
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Classroom Release Days have changed
My Classroom Release days are now the 5th and 6th of November. They have had to change due to Powell Huts new dates.
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Part Three - Other Room 12 Information
Report Files will be sent home this term. The date for these to be sent home will be on the school newsletter. Please return your child’s report file if it is still at home so we can work on them.
The school newsletter is sent home each Tuesday to the youngest or only child in a family. Please read it, as there is a lot of important information and dates in it. The newsletter can be emailed to you. You need to give Mrs Hutchings or Mrs Pratt your email address if you wish to receive it this way. Remember to download our Carterton School App which updates you quickly with important information, messages, notices, reminders and the newsletters.
The school day begins at 8.55. Please make sure that your child is at school before the bell rings. If your child is late to school they will need to go to the office for a Late Slip.
During each term I am entitled to two Classroom Release Days and one Management Release Day On these days Ms Whitburn or Ms Taylor will be teaching Room 12. These dates for my CRT days are 28th and 29th of October.
To help the school, your child and myself, please send notes to school about any sickness, absences or any other issues, as sending notes saves time and confusion.
Head lice are an ongoing problem. If your child is itching please check them and treat them if necessary. We will have head lice checks in class if it is needed. A note will be sent home if this is about to happen.
If your child has Asthma, please send an inhaler to school. The inhaler can be kept in their school bag until it is needed. Please let me know if your child has any medical conditions that I need to be aware of, including having an inhaler in their bag.
If you have any questions, concerns or would like additional information about your child’s learning and progress, please ring, text, email (details below) or come in and see me at school. I recommend that you come between 8.15 and 8:45am. Although on Tuesday mornings the staff have an Administration Meeting in the Staffroom from 8:00 until 8:30 so I will not be in classroom until 8:30 on Tuesday mornings. Or please come to see me between 3.00 and 4:30pm, as I will usually be in the classroom, staffroom or the Library, preparing or assessing work. Please remember Team Kahikatea meets on a Tuesday at 3:30 and on Wednesday afternoons we have Professional Learning Staff Meetings which begin at 3:30 so I will be unavailable at those times also. I am on Gate Duty every Friday so I need to be at the gate soon after the 3:00 bell. If you need to see me could you please wait until I return which should be about 3:15.
I am really looking forward to a productive term full of learning and engagement! Please do not hesitate to contact me at school or at home, on 379 6624 (before 9:00pm) or you could email me at if you have anything to discuss.
Teachers and parents working together make a powerful combination.
Kind regards,
Melanie MacGregor
Please encourage your children to… READ, READ, READ…
Part Two - Other Room 12 Information
For PE this term we are participating in Jump Jam, Athletics and Summer sports skills. Please encourage your child to wear sensible footwear to school or bring trainers/sneakers to put on when needed.
Hub 3 is our buddy class. We are calling this session Tuakana/Teina (Big kids helping little kids). During this time we read, write, develop spelling and maths skills, as well as build friendships with our buddies. This happens every Friday before lunch for 20 minutes. This helps our older students develop leadership skills and gives the younger children great role models and a sense of belonging.
Camp Fundraising = As you are aware we have a camp planned for this term. At this point we can give you a very approximate cost of $240 per student. A more accurate amount of what you need to pay will be coming home soon. A big thank you to those of you who have already started to pay. If you are unable to pay this in full you can make part payments. This can be paid to the office or by automatic payment.
Camp El Rancho = Letters will be coming home about camp so if you do not receive
anything, please contact me and I will email them to you directly.
Powell Hut / EOTC / Sports = We have an extremely busy term again this term and I have
added below all dates for EOTC outings etc. below. These will be weather dependent. A
message on the school newsletter or a notice will be sent home prior to each event giving
out relevant information. Once again if you do not receive any information let me know
ASAP so I can get you a copy.
Important Dates [so far]
Week 1– Shake It Out Day 15th, Pet Day Friday 16th (Half a day)
Week 2 - Rippa for some students 20th, Year 8 Powell Hut 22nd-23rd, Kapa Haka Festival 22nd,
Week 3 – Labour day 26th(Day off)
Week 4 – EOTC Shelters for Year 7’s 4th Nov,
Week 5 - Kuranui College testing 9th Nov, Athletics 11 November, Conference for some
Year 7 students 13th,
Week 6 – Get float ready for Christmas Parade, Report files sent home,
Week 7 – Year 6 EOTC Tubing 23rd, Camp (24th-27th), Float in Christmas Parade 28th,
Week 8 – School Festival Week, Home Garden Judging 2nd Dec, Room 11 Camp 2nd-3rd
Week 9 – Year 8 Leavers Dinner 10th Dec,
Week 10 – Special Assembly 15th, Final Assembly 16th. All Whanau are welcome to come
along. School finishes early.
Homework and Communication = Homework will continue to be given every week on Monday and be expected to be returned by Monday / Tuesday the following week. Your child has a communications book or a folder that will be brought home regularly with information from school to home. Please continue to remind your child to use their communication books like a diary. These help them build their organisation skills and this is great preparation for college. This also continues to develop independent learners plus encourages the students to be organised and responsible. We use the communication book to record homework tasks, spelling words and things they need to remember etc. This is also the best place for notes to me regarding absences, concerns etc. Below is a brief outline of homework tasks over the term.
· Each Monday the students are given a list of topic related and essential list spelling words to learn. These are tested on Friday.
· There will be weekly homework for Room 12 and 14. We will be continuing with Kiwi Kids News for this homework. This will be issued on Monday and due the following Monday and will be marked on Tuesday.
· There may be weekly homework set by the Technology teachers. This will be issued on Tuesday and is due the following Tuesday.
Part One of Other Room 12 Information
Part One
Team Kahikatea Room 12 Newsletter
‘Other Room 12 Information’
October 2015
‘He waka eke noa’ We are all in this together
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Whanau and Students,
Kia ora and welcome back! I hope you and your families had an awesome break, enjoyed the sunshine and are ready for a busy term ahead!
As we begin this term we congratulate Hannah Hodgkiss who was awarded Room 12 Student of the Term for Term Three. Throughout Term Three Hannah displayed amazing dedication to learning and respect in every aspect of school life. She showed that she has fantastic manners and is honest, helpful and hardworking. Congratulations Hannah! We look forward to finding out who Term 4’s Student of the Term will be.
It is wonderful to see the students back at school and enthusiastic about our upcoming learning and events. They are looking smart and tidy in their uniforms! Please support us by ensuring that your child wears the correct uniform everyday, with pride! Remember school wide brimmed sunhats are compulsory in Term 4. As we begin the new term please ensure that all of your child’s school items are named clearly to avoid any loss of items, e.g. uniform, stationery, lunch boxes, drink bottles etc...
Term Four Team Kahikatea Learning = This term our topic for inquiry is ‘Pets-Pet Day’ and
‘Learn, Create, Share’. These inquiry topics have an Arts focus. At times there will be
homework tasks related to this topic and your support for completing these tasks
will be very
valuable. The first homework task is a brainstorm for you and your family about this terms
inquiry topics. This is due back on Monday 19th October.
Other Room 12 Learning during Term 4 = Multiplication and division, Basic facts, Mathematic strategies, Writing narrative, Google Docs, Blogging, Technology, Athletics, Summer Sport skills, EOTC activities, El Rancho Camp, Careers, Technology and the Year 8’s Powell Hut expedition.
Other Room 12 Information = Learning, updates, homework and most other information for Room 12 can be found on Room 12’s blog. The address for this is : The heading is ‘Room 12 2015—Welcome’. You are more than welcome to share or forward Room 12’s blog with friends and family members. Positive comments, questions and ideas for learning can be posted on our blog by viewers.
Designcraft / Technology at Makoura = Year 7 and 8 students attend technology sessions at Makoura College (Masterton) every Tuesday from 10:20am until 1:00pm. The Technology sessions cost $76 for the year. A big thank you to those of you who have paid this already. If you are unable to pay this in full you can make part payments. This can be paid to the office or by automatic payment. The total amount needs to be paid before the end of the year. Thank you. Please be aware that students are required to wear covered shoes at Technology for safety reasons. If they do not have the suitable footwear they are not permitted to attend the session and will remain at school. Mrs Kennedy and I have spoken to the students about these points and we trust they will take responsibility for themselves.
Library and Computer Room = We will be using the school library and computer room on a Thursday morning at 9:10-10:20. While in the library we will be working on inquiry, research and note taking skills. While in the computer room students will focus on inquiry, research, Google Docs and Blogging. This term your student will be using their Google Doc’s address as much as possible. This is where their learning and classroom work will be inquired into, worked on and saved. Have a look at your child’s Google Doc account to see their learning.
While in the library students are encouraged to issue 2 books. They may keep these books for up to 2 weeks. Please help your child to use and care for our library books as well as return them promptly.
What is on this week? Week 2 Term 4 2015
What’s on this week – Week 2 Term 4 2015
Monday –
Jump Jam
Wheel/Scooter day
New homework and spelling is given out
Year 7’s with Mrs MacGregor
Year 8’s pack day with Mrs Kennedy
Kapa Haka students with Whaea Michelle all day
The Arts Inquiry begins.
Tuesday –
Marking homework
Technology. Covered shoes essential and girls need to tie up their hair.
Te Reo or Kapa Haka
Athletics rotation
Wednesday ––
Jump Jam
Gardening Group - at 9:00 and also during lunch (for some students)
South Australian spelling test
Arts Inquiry
Thursday –
Kapa Haka students to festival in Masterton for the whole day
Year 8’s to Powell Hut
Year 7’s to some classes and to Ms Taylor
Wheel/Scooter day
Fridr 7’s to Ms Taylor
Powell Hut students return
Nga mihi
Melanie MacGregor
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