Watermart is arriving with the roofing iron to replace the admin iron and covered way roofing along the main block. They will have a crane truck and wish to park along the teachers car park area opposite the Studio to unload the iron to the grassed area beside the staff toilets.
Please be careful in and around these areas.
Working together to achieve success

Thursday, 24 September 2015
Team Kawakawa Show
Today Team Kawakawa did a performance for the whole school. My favourite part was hearing all the songs I did when I was little. At the end the whole school did Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes together.
By Briar
Breadcraft and More FM Morning Tea Shout Winners - Room 12
Today Room 12 got a breakfast shout out and we got a free breakfast from Breadcraft and it was really yummy I had two crumpets and 1 pikelet and a Muffin Split. It was really good! They gave us some colouring in competitions to do, and then they left. I really enjoyed having them here so a big thank you from Trinity to the Breadcraft people.
By Trinity
Today Room 12 got a a free breakfast from Breadcraft and More FM. They gave us lots of options for food like; pikelets, crumpets, muffin splits and normal toast. The ladies that came were very generous to us and they were very nice.They also gave us a colouring in competition to do, to be in the draw to win a tablet. I had fun this morning and I enjoyed getting to know the ladies.
By Grace
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Raffle Tickets for sale at the School Office and in Rooms 11, 12 and 14.
Carterton School Year 6 - Year 8
End of Year Camp Raffle
$2 Per Ticket
*The Prizes*
BMX Bike and Groceries
Drawn on Friday 25th September 2015 2pm
Winner notified by phone or in person.
Trout Release - Postponed
Rooms 7 and 12
Carterton School
Tuesday 22nd September
Dear Parents / Caregivers,
Due to the rain and the high level of the rivers and streams in the Carterton area, we will not be able to release the trout until early next term.
This trip has been postponed and we will let you know when this will take place.
Thank you,
Lesley Stewart and Mel MacGregor
We are using a new maths programme - Maths Buddy
We are starting a new maths program at school called Maths Buddy.
Here is a link to show how families can go onto and use Maths Buddy at home.
Here is a link to show how families can go onto and use Maths Buddy at home.
Sunday, 20 September 2015
Writing a Paragraph - Hannah
Firstly I believe that PrEP shouldn’t be every year, because the cost of running PrEP is expensive. For all the boxes and resources, is a real cost. For example, some people might not have certain things in their rooms so they have to go and buy things and pay for it out of their personal money. PrEP cost quite a bit for the extra resources so we should have PrEP every second year.
Writing a Paragraph - Francis
Firstly we should have PrEP every year so no one will miss out on having a go at PrEP. For example, if you come to Carterton School when you’re a Year 8 and if we did PrEP the year before, you will miss out, but if we have PrEP every year no one will miss out on this great opportunity for learning. So that is why we need PrEP every year.
Dylan's Reading Responder Activity
Dylan read ‘Adrian Heke: Photographer’. He completed the ‘Responder’ activity by filling in the blank spaces. This is the result!
Dylan (Removed)
(Address removed)
Dear Mr Heke,
I am responding to the advertisement placed in the News Weekly on Thursday for a photographic assistant.
I am a keen photographer with 5 years years' experience. I have my own a camera, a storyboard and special lights. I have an eye for detail and I’m also a happy person. I believe I would do an excellent job because I like working with people.
Yours sincerely
Dylan (Removed)
What’s on this week – Week 10 Term 3 2015
What’s on this week – Week 10 Term 3 2015
This week we are working on A and P show art and craft, Movie Making for Wi.Kid MiniFilm Festival, writing and lots more other things. It is going to be a busy final week.
Monday –
Wheel/Scooter day
New homework and spelling is given out TBC
12:40 - 3:00 PrEP final sessions
Tuesday –
Technology. Covered shoes essential and girls need to tie up their hair.
Kapa Haka
Wednesday ––
Gardening Group - at 9:00
Ms Taylor is teaching from 12:45 until 3:00
HPS meeting
Thursday –
9:45 Junior Hub show in the Hall
Wheel/Scooter day
1:15 Cricket Promo
Friday –
End of term assembly -Student of the term.
Wheel/Scooter day
Our team Sausage Sizzle fundraiser
Choir during lunch (for some students)
Class Blog- room12cartertonschool2015.blogspot.co.nz.
Check us out and I will be putting any info on the blog such as reminders etc, plus what we have been doing at school and in class.
Nga mihi
Melanie MacGregor
Thursday, 17 September 2015
We would like to win a class morning tea shout.
Vote for us:
We want to win
Wanted - Pens and Pencils
Please bring your pens and pencils from home to school.
Some students have not got any pens or pencils and they are writing in felt in their books.
We need to be organised and prepared for lessons.
Some students have not got any pens or pencils and they are writing in felt in their books.
We need to be organised and prepared for lessons.
A team fund-raiser for Team Kahikatea. $2 a ticket.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
PrEP Market Day
Monday, 14 September 2015
PrEP Market Day is on this Friday
PrEP Market Day begins at 1:00 sharp. (The time has changed)
All whanau are welcome to come along to support your
You can purchase PrEP money from our bank and use it to
buy goods from our Market Day.
We would love to see you here.
If wet we will all be in the Hall.
All whanau are welcome to come along to support your
You can purchase PrEP money from our bank and use it to
buy goods from our Market Day.
We would love to see you here.
If wet we will all be in the Hall.
Saturday, 12 September 2015
Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week.
This week it is Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week.
Carterton School is being part of this nation wide event by doing a school clean up at 2:00 on Friday 18th September.
You are more than welcome to come along and join us for the clean up.
Carterton School is being part of this nation wide event by doing a school clean up at 2:00 on Friday 18th September.
You are more than welcome to come along and join us for the clean up.
Pet Day Competitions
Start thinking about which of your Teddy Bears you would like to enter on Pet Day for the Carterton School Teddy Bear Competition.
There are certificates for the best dressed, prettiest, most unusual, smallest, coolest, and many more.
What is on this week? Week 9
What’s on this week – Week 9 Term 3 2015
This week it is Keep New Zealand Beautiful week.
Monday – NEMP for Year 8’s
Wheel/Scooter day
New homework and spelling is given out
12:40 - 3:00 PrEP
Tuesday – NEMP for Year 8’s
Technology. Covered shoes essential and girls need to tie up their hair.
Kapa Haka
Wednesday –– NEMP for Year 8’s
Gardening Group - at 9:00
Thursday –
Wheel/Scooter day
Friday –
Wheel/Scooter day
Our team Sausage Sizzle fundraiser
Choir during lunch (for some students)
Keep New Zealand Beautiful School clean up at 2:00
Class Blog- room12cartertonschool2015.blogspot.co.nz.
Check us out and I will be putting any info on the blog such as reminders etc, plus what we have been doing at school and in class.
Nga mihi
Melanie MacGregor
Thursday, 10 September 2015
If you are doing a home garden, this might work for you too
9 September 2015
Dust off the gloves. Dig out the spade. Clean up your vegie patch and get ready to get growing great vegies in the Yates Spring Vegie Growing Challenge.
Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, join thousands of keen gardeners who will battle it out for the kudos and great prizes that come with being king or queen vegie grower.
Yates marketing manager, Fiona Arthur, says the Spring Vegie Growing Challenge is designed to foster grass roots gardening and bring gardeners together to share their successes, problems and aspirations.
“It’s all about enjoying getting out into the garden, learning and having fun at the same time. There is nothing more satisfying than picking your own vegetables to put on the dinner table. We hope new gardeners of all ages will embrace the challenge and take the opportunity to learn more about gardening.”
Everyone who registers online at www.yates.co.nz/vegie-challenge/2015 will receive a free packet of vegetable seeds to get started. Author, speaker and passionate gardener, Sarah the Gardener (aka Sarah O’Neil) will be on hand to provide growing tips, answer questions and guide any beginners throughout the competition. Entrants are required to blog about their progress to be in with a chance to win some fabulous prizes. Now in its fifth year, the Yates Vegie Growing Challenge 2015 has introduced some new categories to cater to all types of gardeners whether they be home, community or school gardeners.
Categories and Prizes:
Best Individual (adult) – $500 worth of Yates products + $500 Cash
Best Individual (Child – Under 16) - $500 worth of Yates products + $500 Cash
Best School – $500 worth of Yates products + $500 Cash
Best Community Group – $500 worth of Yates products + $500 Cash
For those who like to get creative in the garden the Mini Challenges also provide the opportunity to win a great Yates prize pack.
Mini Challenge Categories:
Best mini garden (eg. a fairy or dinosaur garden) – children only
Best scarecrow/bird scarer
Best use of upcycling – art or functional
Best recipe from harvested produce
Champion pumpkin grower and Yates children’s ambassador, eight year old Grace Lusty will not only be competing in this year’s Vegie Growing Challenge but she will also be encouraging all children to give it a go.
Grace is known around the world for her passion for pumpkins and has been crowned ‘biggest pumpkin’ winner in her home town of Hamilton. She will be sharing her tips for success and regular updates on progress in her own vegie garden on the Vegie Challenge website.
Registrations open on 1 September 2015 and run until 30 October. The competition finishes 11 December and the winners will be announced in January
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Road Safety and Maths
Yesterday our Room 12 students used some of the maths we have been learning in class, for working out speed and stopping distance. We used a variety of maths like algebra, long division, BEDMAS, mean, mode and median. It just showed the importance of what we learn in class and how it is used in the real world, and in the work force.
Monday, 7 September 2015
Road Safety and Mathematics in class today with Holly.
Saturday, 5 September 2015
Brooklyn Sports Exchange is on Wednesday
This week is the Brooklyn Sports Exchange.
Room 12 has been asked to bring things like Sandwiches and Rolls.
Please remember to send any permission forms back to school as soon as possible.
Y 7-8 El Rancho notes
Brooklyn kitchen helpers note.
Chocolate money or unsold chocolates
Report files
What is on this week? Week 8
What’s on this week – Week 8 Term 3 2015
Please remember to send any permission forms back to school as soon as possible.
Monday –
Wheel/Scooter day
Year 6 - 8 Brooklyn sports in the morning TBC
New homework and spelling is given out
Holly McGeorge is visiting us for a maths and road safety lesson
12:40 - 3:00 PrEP
Science Extension for some students TBC
Tuesday –
Technology. Covered shoes essential and girls need to tie up their hair.
Te Reo or Kapa Haka
Year 6 - 8 Brooklyn sports in the afternoon TBC
Wednesday ––
Gardening Group - at 9:00
Year 6 - 8 Brooklyn sports
Thursday –
Ms Whitburn teaching- My CRT day
Ms Whitburn teaching- My CRT day
Wheel/Scooter day
Friday –
Ms Whitburn teaching- My CRT day
Ms Whitburn teaching- My CRT day
Wheel/Scooter day
Our team Sausage Sizzle fundraiser
Choir during lunch (for some students)
Year 6 - 8 sport
Class Blog- room12cartertonschool2015.blogspot.co.nz.
Check us out and I will be putting any info on the blog such as reminders etc, plus what we have been doing at school and in class.
Nga mihi
Melanie MacGregor
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