Term Two - Environment Science (I am so excited about this topic!)
Our Inquiry for Term Two will be looking at 'how we are connected to our world'
What would you be keen for your child to learn about environmental science?
Please comment below or seen an email /private message with your ideas
Working together to achieve success

Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Celebrate and Congratulate!
A big thank you to our Mufti-Day organisers from Room 12 - S and Jasmine. You did a great job and over $350 has been sent to help the victims of Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu. I heard you did a great job presenting your PowerPoint in the whole school assembly.
Thank you to all of the students from Room 12 who helped this week with decorating the school gate, judging (decorated shoes) and giving out spot prizes for Movin' March. It was awesome having your help!
Thank you to the helpers who have supported our buddy class by taking sausage orders on the last two Fridays - Hayley, Jasmine, Francis and S.
Well done to the Room 12 Softball players. You participated with respect and enthusiasm in the Inter-school bat and ball (softball) tournament on Friday. I was very proud of you all.
Congratulations to the Room 12 Green Socks Softball team who won their final game 30 - 3 on Friday Evening in Masterton - Nevengka and Callum. I hope we start the Term 4 season as we finished the Term 1 season. You were awesome on Friday night!!!!!
Our 3 gala stalls made $300! Wow! Well done all of you!
Thank you to all of the students from Room 12 who helped this week with decorating the school gate, judging (decorated shoes) and giving out spot prizes for Movin' March. It was awesome having your help!
Thank you to the helpers who have supported our buddy class by taking sausage orders on the last two Fridays - Hayley, Jasmine, Francis and S.
Well done to the Room 12 Softball players. You participated with respect and enthusiasm in the Inter-school bat and ball (softball) tournament on Friday. I was very proud of you all.
Congratulations to the Room 12 Green Socks Softball team who won their final game 30 - 3 on Friday Evening in Masterton - Nevengka and Callum. I hope we start the Term 4 season as we finished the Term 1 season. You were awesome on Friday night!!!!!
Our 3 gala stalls made $300! Wow! Well done all of you!
Week Nine - What is on this week?
What’s on this week – Week 9 Term 1
Cricket World Cup games will continue
this week during lunchtimes.
· Can
I have all of the Year 8 EOTC forms returned this week and any parent helpers
too please! Mrs Kennedy has had to work
really hard to get these EOTC days organised and we have to have help from
parents / whanau for transport and supervision, so please help us if you can,
otherwise we may have to cancel.
8 homework will be marked.
- Covered shoes essential and girls
need to tie up their hair.
and Languages.
Thursday – Last day of Term 1
Final Assembly for the term at 9.10am. This is to celebrate our Student of the Term
– You would have been notified if your child was receiving this certificate.
lunch for Jenny and students who are leaving Carterton School.
Year 8 Whanau – I will
be contacting those parents I haven’t seen to make a time to catch up. These visits have been extremely valuable to
everyone as we are setting a clear path for your child’s learning. It also gives us far more time to sit down
and discuss anything you want to regarding your child and school and how we can
all work together to achieve success. I
have also really enjoyed getting to know parents and students outside of school,
plus there is no time limit.
Year 7 Whanau – I will
also be contacting you over the holidays to make a time to see you all as soon
as I have completed my visits with the Year 8 Whanau.
Class Blog - room12cartertonschool2015.blogspot.co.nz. Check us out and I will be putting any info
on the blog such as published work, information, homework, reminders etc. Plus
what we have been doing at school and in class.
Google docs – your child has their class log-in
and can find any shared work, support for homework etc, on Google Drive. Plus you can see what they have been doing in
class if they are using a device or netbook.
If your
child has a device, they are welcome to bring it along to enhance learning,
however please ensure that it is ‘school compatible’ so it will need Google
drive and Docs, plus any games need to be age appropriate.
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Mufti-day Friday for Vanuatu.
Walk, bike and scoot to school - some spot prizes at the gate.
Softball Tournament for those involved. If you are not involved you are going to be with Mrs Kennedy for the day.
Assembly is in the first block.
A special visitor is coming in the last block.
Walk, bike and scoot to school - some spot prizes at the gate.
Softball Tournament for those involved. If you are not involved you are going to be with Mrs Kennedy for the day.
Assembly is in the first block.
A special visitor is coming in the last block.
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Decorated bikes and scooters for Movin March.
Walking School Bus from Belvedere Dairy at 8:30am.
As part of Moving March we will have a decorated shoe competition on Thursday. Bring your decorated shoes to school and judging will take place in the verandah outside rooms 13 and 14 before jump jam.
Mufti Day on Friday for Vanuatu.
Walking School Bus from Belvedere Dairy at 8:30am.
As part of Moving March we will have a decorated shoe competition on Thursday. Bring your decorated shoes to school and judging will take place in the verandah outside rooms 13 and 14 before jump jam.
Mufti Day on Friday for Vanuatu.
By Adrian
My Limerick
There was a boy from the Moon,
Who ate every meal with a spoon.
But he couldn’t do that!
So he ate a large rat!
And now he looks like a balloon.
Limerick by Nick
There was a young boy called Stan.
Who didn’t have a good plan.
There was a young boy called Stan.
Who didn’t have a good plan.
He skydived,
Then cried,
and all you could here was WHAM!
Year 7's first EOTC Day with Beachy
Wow what a fantastic day we had learning all about river safety
and how to make a raft, then sail her down the Ruamahanga River.
We all had so much fun and learnt so much.
We all had so much fun and learnt so much.
Thanks Glenn Beach for a great day.
Group Limerick
Group Limerick
There was a old man called Bob.
He had a really awful job.
He dug for gold,
Until he old.
Then he handed his job to Rob.
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Year 7's EOTC Day

Make sure you pack the equipment needed:
River shoes
Warm change of clothes
Wetsuit if you have one
Week 8 - What is on this week?
What’s on this week – Week 8 Term 1
Cricket World Cup games will continue
this week during lunchtimes.
7’s first EOTC day.
I have all of the Year 8 EOTC forms returned this week and any parent helpers
too please! Mrs Kennedy has had to work
really hard to get these EOTC days organised and we have to have help from
parents / whanau for transport and supervision, so please help us if you can,
otherwise we may have to cancel.
7 homework will be marked.
today at lunch time.
Movin’ March begins with our
decorated gate.
HPS first meeting at 2:00 in Room 6 (Ms Taylor will be in Room 12 with the Year 8 students)
HPS first meeting at 2:00 in Room 6 (Ms Taylor will be in Room 12 with the Year 8 students)
- Covered shoes essential and girls
need to tie up their hair.
and Languages.
Movin’ March – Scooter day
§ All in Day for Movin’ March - so
walk, bike and scoot to school. There
will be a Walking School Bus from Belvedere Dairy at 8:30am – Look for Mrs
§ Dress up your bikes, scooters for a
decorated bike and scooter competition judged at morning tea time.
Thursday - I am at a course today in
the Hutt Valley so a reliever will be in Room 12 all day.
§ Library and Computer Room – remember
to bring your books back.
§ Radio Show recorded today with the
winners interviewed on the show.
§ Crazy Shoe day for Movin’ March – so dress up your shoes for a
competition judged at morning tea time.
Ø Softball practise at 8:15 on the back
field behind Room 12
Ø Yr 5/8 softball tournament
Ø Movin’ March - Spot prizes at the gate for those using bikes, scooters,
skateboards etc. Buddy Class
Ø Softball finals in Masterton for our
regular team. Time and Date to be
Spelling List Test today
Year 8 Whanau – I have sent out a note to meet up
with all of you to discuss your child’s learning for this year. I am happy to come to your home [if you are
OK with this] or make a time at school.
This will be an in-depth look at where your child is now and where to
next so we can all work together to prepare him / her for college. If your
child has a device, they are welcome to bring it along to enhance learning,
however please ensure that it is ‘school compatible’ so it will need Google
drive and Docs, plus any games need to be age appropriate.
Class Blog - room12cartertonschool2015.blogspot.co.nz. Check us out and I will be putting any info
on the blog such as published work, information, homework, reminders etc. Plus
what we have been doing at school and in class.
Google docs – your child has their class log-in
and can find any shared work, support for homework etc, on Google Drive. Plus you can see what they have been doing in
class if they are using a device or netbook.
If your
child has a device, they are welcome to bring it along to enhance learning,
however please ensure that it is ‘school compatible’ so it will need Google
drive and Docs, plus any games need to be age appropriate.
Thursday, 19 March 2015
Limerick Writing by Jasmine
My Limericks
There once was a boy named Paul
who sat on a very large ball.
It popped with a bang!
Then he sang...
‘‘He should have sat on a wall’’
There was a goat named Bill.
He lived up on a hill.
He never saw the people.
Only a church steeple.
So he hung out with his friend Will.
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Descriptive Writing
As I see the green grass I bend down to pick the dandelion fairy off the
ground. I quietly make a wish and then gently blow the fairies away.
They float up, up and away. As I watch them fly away I see them go very,
very high in the sky.
Written by Trinity
Jess And The Dandelion
Jess found the dandelion on a clear, calm summer day and what
else would Jess do? … She would make a wish. She closes her
eyes and made a wish. Then she made a gentle breeze blow and
spray the buds. They drifted through the air and across the
garden. As Jess watched the peaceful buds float into the heavens
she heard a voice… It was her mother calling for her, it was lunch
time. Jess jumped up on her feet and ran inside to eat.
By Adrian
Descriptive Writing
The Dandelion
It was a hot summer day when a young boy called Billy was blowing the fluffy dandelion. He could see all the seedlings flying with the air.
By Brock
I take a deep breath then I blow. The dandelion head drift off into the icy, cold
white dandelion fairies floating out into the soft breeze. Holding the stem, I
wonder where the dandelion head will drift off to.
By Hayley
Limerick Writing for St Patricks Day
My Limerick
There was a young lady from Leeds,
who swallowed a package of seeds.
Now this sorry young lass
is quite covered in grass,
but has all the tomatoes she needs.From Francis
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Reminders about forms
Please remember to send back your Student Informations (yellow) forms as soon as possible to the office.
EOTC day form needs to be back as soon as possible as our Year 7's are going on Monday.
EOTC day form needs to be back as soon as possible as our Year 7's are going on Monday.
Monday, 16 March 2015
Thank you!
Thank you to all of you who supported our school Gala. It was a huge success!
Sunday, 15 March 2015
Week 7 - What is on this week?
What’s on this week – Week 7 Term 1
Swimming is finished!
Cricket World Cup games will continue
this week during lunchtimes.
Monday – Week 6 homework will be marked. Agri-kids today at lunch time.
Tuesday – School photos are today between 9am
and 10am.
Technology -
Covered shoes essential and girls need
to tie up their hair.
Careers and
Wednesday – Our school gardens are being
judged for the School Garden Challenge Shield.
Thursday – Library and Computer Room – remember to bring your books back.Team Kahikatea teachers are at a
course from 1:30pm until 3:00pm so there will be relievers in each class for
that afternoon.
Friday – Weekly spelling test
Buddy Class
Softball at
6:00pm in Masterton for those involved
Year 8 Whanau – I have sent out a note to meet up
with all of you to discuss your child’s learning for this year. I am happy to come to your home [if you are
OK with this] or make a time at school.
This will be an in-depth look at where your child is now and where to
next so we can all work together to prepare him / her for college. I will be phoning all of you after Sleepover
too make this time.
If your
child has a device, they are welcome to bring it along to enhance learning,
however please ensure that it is ‘school compatible’ so it will need Google
drive and Docs, plus any games need to be age appropriate.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Auditions tomorrow
Tomorrow a film company
will be having short meetings with the children who have said they are
interested in being in the Lotto ad. (Sorry this is only for 8 to 10 year olds and have returned their form)
Wairarapa Swimming Sports
to our amazing swimmers (Adrian) who represented us at the Wairarapa School Swim Sports
last night. We have heard fantastic reports on your behaviour and
sportsmanship. Some great swims! We are looking forward to getting the results!
Thanks to your adults who came along to support.
Reminders and more reminders
It is my CRT day tomorrow so I am not teaching tomorrow. Ms Whitburn will be in class. I will be around trying to finish the many things on my list of 'jobs to do'.
Hot air balloons are lifting off tomorrow morning at Carrington Park at 7:00am. We hope to see you there.
There is a pilot visit tomorrow at 1:30. Everyone is welcome!
Agri kids forms are due back to the office.
Pie orders are due at the office.
Photos are now on Tuesday.
Yellow emergency contact forms need to be completed and returned to school as soon as possible.
The Gala is on Friday at 5:30pm. Everyone is welcome!
Hot air balloons are lifting off tomorrow morning at Carrington Park at 7:00am. We hope to see you there.
There is a pilot visit tomorrow at 1:30. Everyone is welcome!
Agri kids forms are due back to the office.
Pie orders are due at the office.
Photos are now on Tuesday.
Yellow emergency contact forms need to be completed and returned to school as soon as possible.
The Gala is on Friday at 5:30pm. Everyone is welcome!
School Photos
The photographer will be back on Tuesday 17 March 9-10am to complete the last 3 rooms photos (Room 12,13 and 14).
You will have to do your hair again on that day.
You will have to do your hair again on that day.
School Photos
School photos are on today! Family photos at 8:15. Please wear correct uniform and dark shoes.
Pie orders are due today too!
Pie orders are due today too!
Monday, 9 March 2015
Lots of Room 12 are forgetting their hats! Hats need to be worn when outside in Team 1 and Term 4.
No hat...No play!
No hat...No play!
Sunday, 8 March 2015
Glass Jars
Remember to bring any glass jars you can find for our gala stall.
Pie Orders - PTA
Remember Pie Orders are due in on Wednesday 11th March.
They are yummy pies.
If you need a new order form let me know and we can get one to you.
What is on this Week - Week 6
What’s on this week – Week 6 Term 1
Swimming is now finished!
Monday – Team Kahikatea mailbox drop to
streets of Carterton to promote our Gala. – Good walking shoes needed on this
Tuesday – Technology. Covered shoes essential and girls need to tie
up their hair. Careers and Languages.
Wednesday – School Photos – Correct uniform please (no bad hair days!)
Pie Orders are due in today.
Pie Orders are due in today.
Thursday – Balloon Festival Mass Ascension at
Carrington Park at 7:00am (if weather permits) - We are encouraging Team
Kahikatea families to come down and meet together as a group. We will be at the logs to meet with any Team
Kahikatea family and students at 7:00am, if you and your child would like to
come down. Breakfast Club is open in the
hall for breakfast at 8:15 - 8:45.
Library and
Computer Room – remember to bring your books back.
School pilot
visit at 1:30 on the Village Green
Friday – Buddy Class
School Gala
at 5:30
burner parade – Main Road of Carterton at 8:00pm
Year 8 Whanau –
I have sent out a note to meet up
with all of you to discuss your child’s learning for this year. I am happy to come to your home [if you are
OK with this] or make a time at school.
This will be an in-depth look at where your child is now and where to
next so we can all work together to prepare him / her for college. I will be phoning all of you after Sleepover
too make this time.
If your
child has a device, they are welcome to bring it along to enhance learning,
however please ensure that it is ‘school compatible’ so it will need Google
drive and Docs, plus any games need to be age appropriate.
Can you also remind your child to return their Report File from last year as we are still missing some – Thanks.
The Gala is on this Friday
Our annual School Gala is the place to be on Friday 13 March.
Come along from 5.30pm for food, fun and much more.
Bring your friends and whanau and support our PTA in this major fundraising event.
All proceeds go towards supporting the learning needs of our amazing tamariki.
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